Low-voltage exterior lighting is a simple improvement that can make a huge difference in how your home looks after dusk as well as in its safety and security. Exterior Lighting is usually installed along walkways, steps, and driveways, pointing up at trees, walls, and fences. The typical low-voltage lighting system requires just three components: a transformer, low-voltage electrical cable, and the fixtures.
Commercial grade lighting can greatly add value to your home as well as adding value to your landscape investment, by doubling the hours you can enjoy your outdoor living space. With the mild California weather, you can entertain guests outdoors, as well as indoors and with the use of the well light, we wash the garden enviroment and architectural features, with a soft ambient light, showing them off, while highlighting pathways with attractive area lights, in an alternating pattern that directs your eye to destination features. You’ll be amazed at what we can do with light.

Modern Lighting

Unlike the exterior lighting of old, today’s fixtures come in a wide range of shapes and colors. As long as you have a nearby outlet, you’ll be able to give your home and yard a welcoming glow when the sun goes down.
Pathway or Walk lights come in dozens of styles at a wide range of prices. Pathway lights are designed to light a specific area that is directly underneath and within a few feet of the light fixture, like a driveway or walkway. These are usually spaced 6′ to 10ft apart. Any closer and your walkway may look like a landing strip.
Look No Further Than Power Electric
If you need a landscape lighting specialist you can count on call Power Electric today at 916-792-0873 or fill out our online request form, for a FREE ESTIMATE!
Area lights, sometimes called spot, wash, flood or up lights, spread the illumination over a specific item or larger areas. These are used to highlight walls, trees, shrubs, statues, etc. Creative use of these lights can usually give you the most dramatic effects of your exterior lighting.
Our Professional Grade Lighting line includes a wide range of specific purpose outdoor lighting fixtures, weatherproof transformers, specialty insulated cables and a variety of landscape lighting accessories. All have the latest and most advanced features.